Classroom and Hostel

Classroom organization is used for effective academic management and control. In the Nigerian Navy Secondary Schools, class arms are named after Fast Attack Crafts (FACs) in the Nigerian Naval Fleet in alphabetical order and a mine countermeasures vessels viz AGU, AYAM, BARAMA, DAMISA, EKPE and EKUN as well as OHUE and SIRI. Each class is controlled/coordinated by an experienced class teacher. The class teacher is assisted by two students designated as Class Captains.

The housing systems is used as the main administrative model for the affective control and management of the students. On admission, the students are allocated houses named after past chiefs of the Naval Staff and past Director of Naval Education. Presently, the schools operate four main houses. The houses are Blue, Yellow or Green, Purple and Red houses respectively.

Boarding accommodation is offered to all boarding students. Each house has a House Master attached to it. There is also a hostel Administrator of the houses. Each house has a House Captain/Prefect.

Junior Secondary School

The Junior Secondary School is prevocational and academic. It shall teach basic subjects which will enable students to acquire further knowledge and skill. All students shall offer 11 subjects. The structure is as follows:

a. English Studies
b. Mathematics
c. Cultural and Creative Arts (Music, Drama & Arts)
d. One Nigerian Language (Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa)
e. Basic Science and Technology (Basic Science, Basic Technology, Computer and Physical Health Education)
f. Pre-Vocational Studies (Agric Science & Home Economics)
g. National Values Education (Social Studies & Civic Education)
h. French
i. Business Studies
j. Arabic Language (Optional)
l. History

Senior Secondary School

The SSS students are to offer between 9-12 subjects as follows:
a. SSS 1 – Minimum of 12
b. SSS 2 – Minimum 10
c. SSS 3 – Compulsory 9

Clubs & Societies

Students are required to join and participate in Literary and Debating and one other club. The general activities of the clubs and societies include the organization of the quiz, debates, social activities, field trips and excursions. Students could therefore choose to join any of the following clubs and societies:

Academic Clubs

The academic clubs include the following:
a. Literary and Debating Society.
b. Music Club
c. Home Makers Club
d. Fine Arts Clubs
e. Young Farmers Club
f. Geographical Society
g. French Club
h. STEM Club